Disease treatment in Japan– 针对患病人群 –

Stellaria Co., Ltd. is committed to providing professional and high-quality medical services in Japan for patients and distinguished guests from Chinese speaking countries and regions such as Chinese Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc.

The company’s main business includes Cancer Treatment, Stem-cell Therapy, Pain Treatment, Advanced Aesthetic Medicine, Medical Examination Coordination, and other health consultation services, along with nursing care and personalized services during the stay in Japan. At the same time, as an accredited member of the Overseas Medical Travel Association organized by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, we assist patients with medical visa applications to ensure they can undergo long-term treatment and recuperation in Japan with peace of mind.

The company established long-term strategic partnerships with several well-known medical institutions, large hospitals and research institutes, as well as famous beauty and plastic surgery hospitals. At the same time, our team of 20 professionals includes Japanese medical doctors, nutrition and wellness consultants, professional medical translators, and caregivers, to tailor precision medical solutions and personalized health management services for patients and VIPs.



In China, approximately 12,000 people (an average of 8 people per minute) are diagnosed with cancer every day, with a five-year survival rate for cancer patients at only 36.9%.

The significant success that Japan has achieved in cancer :

  • Highest average life expectancy.
  • Highest five-year survival rate for cancer.
  • Highest for the quality of medical services at The World Health Organization.
  • Highest in the number of patents for innovative cancer treatments.
  • Leading in the adoption of cutting-edge treatments, such as Boron
  • Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) and CAR-T therapy, which are among the first to be covered by insurance.

Japan’s facilities and R&D investment in cancer treatment

  • Five-star hospital conditions and service standards
  • Continuously pioneering new cancer diagnostic technologies and treatments
Japan is 185% higher than China
104% higher than the US

Cancer Treatment – Regular Treatment

Recommended First Choice for Conventional Treatment:
Cancer Institute Hospital 

Founded in 1908 and with a history of 85 years, Cancer Institute Hospital
is the first research institution specialized in cancer study and treatment in Japan and even in Asia. The surgical doctors at Cancer Institute Hospital are among the top in all of Japan. Adhering to a “minimally invasive” principle, especially for patients with stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer, the majority undergo laparoscopic surgery or thoracoscopic surgery. These procedures, characterized by minimal trauma and reduced pain, aim to improve the patients’ quality of life significantly. For advanced cancers with potential lymph node metastasis, the approach involves not just tumor removal but also thorough lymph node dissection to enhance patient survival rates.

Cancer Institute Hospital ranks first in Japan both in surgical performance and medical service quality.
To date, it has treated the highest number of international cancer patients in Japan, including expatriates residing in the country.

Cancer Treatment – Advanced Therapies

  • Advanced cancer treatments: We can guide you through proton therapy, heavy ion therapy, BNCT, and photoimmunotherapy.
    • In the field of Proton Beam and Heavy Ion Therapies, Japan boasting the most advanced and numerous dedicated facilities, as well as the richest experience in these treatments.
    • In the field of BNCT and photoimmunotherapy, Japan is also a pioneering country.
  • Proton beam therapy
    • Proton beam therapy is a type of radiation therapy that uses high-energy proton particles to kill cancer cells. Compared to traditional X-ray therapy, proton beam therapy allows for more precise control over the depth of radiation, minimizing damage to healthy tissues.
      ▼ Recommended hospital
      • Shonan Kamakura General Hospita
      • Minami Tohoku Hospital
      • Medipolis Proton Therapy and Research Center
  • Heavy Ion Therapy
    • Heavy Ion Therapy is a form of radiation uses heavy ions (such as carbon or helium ions) to kill cancer cells. This method allows for even more precise targeting of tumors with potentially fewer side effects compared to proton therapy
      ▼ Recommended hospital
      • National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
      • Hyogo Ion Beam Medical Center
  • Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT)
    • BNCT is a targeted treatment that delivers boron-containing drugs to cancer cells, which are then exposed to a neutron beam. This causes the boron to disintegrate, killing the cancer cells selectively without damaging nearby healthy tissue.
      ▼ Recommended hospital
      • Shonan Kamakura General Hospital
      • Minami Tohoku Hospital
  • Photoimmunotherapy
    • Photoimmunotherapy uses a light-sensitive drug and laser light to activate the immune system against cancer cells, targeting and killing them with minimal harm to healthy cells.
      ▼ Recommended hospital
      • Tokyo Medical University Hospital

Cancer Treatment – Immunocellular Therapy

Advanced Cancer Therapy: Immunocellular therapy (HITV, iNKT, highly activated NK cells, etc.)

What is Cancer Immunotherapy?

Cancer immunotherapy extracts, multiplies, and reintroduces a patient‘s immune cells to target cancer without harming normal cells, avoiding side effects. This method, enhancing standard treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation) which externally kill cancer cells but also harm normal cells. Immunocellular therapy uses the patient’s own immune cells to target cancer cells without affecting normal cells, thus avoiding side effects. It can be used in conjunction with the three standard therapies. Recent studies have shown that Immunocellular therapy improves effectiveness, survival rates, and quality of life.

Preferred Immunotherapy: HITV
HITV (Human Initiated Therapeutic Vaccine)Therapy

Developed by Kenjichiro Hasumi, HITV therapy is an advanced U.S. immunotherapy that injects dendritic cells directly into tumors, bypassing surgery and antigen matching. This triggers CTL cells to fight cancer throughout the body, creating a robust immune response that lowers relapse rates and prolongs remission.

Recommended hospitals : ICVS Tokyo Clinic

In 2011, Dr. Steinman, awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering dendritic cells, was a longtime friend of Dr. Hasumi and an advisor for HITV therapy.
HITV therapy was patented in the United States on December 13, 2011.

Why HITV Therapy Tops the Immunotherapy Pyramid?

  • HITV therapy, which injects dendritic cells directly into tumors, is applicable for any solid cancer tumor present in the body.
  • This method ensures dendritic cells learn the most effective, comprehensive, and accurate antigen information, adapting to cancer cells’ continuous mutations.
  • With an average effectiveness rate of 50% in Japan, HITV’s cure rate soars to 80%.
  • It effectively synergizes with radiation and chemotherapy for improved outcomes.
  • Even patients with advanced, hard-to-treat cancers have experienced relief, with progression halted or slowed, curing over 100 late-stage cancer patients to date.
  • Notably, HITV therapy has no side effects and does not lead to drug resistance.

Other Advanced Immunocellular Therapies :iNKT, Highly activated NK cells ,MIR

Recommended Hospital:Senshin Clinic;Seiaiwa Clinic;Ikebukuro Kihoukai Clinic;

iNKT cells, also known as invariant natural killer T cells, are a hybrid type of immune cells with characteristics of both T cells and natural killer (NK) cells. They rapidly respond to lipid antigens (within minutes) and are among the first cell types to react to pathogenic stimuli.

MIR cell therapy(formerly known as BAK Cell Therapy) is a cancer immunotherapy that utilizes lymphocytes. Starting with a 20cc blood sample from the patient, immune cells such as γδ (gamma-delta) T cells and natural killer cells are extracted. These cells are then cultured to specifically expand the population of αβ T cells (to 10-20 billion) and activated before being reintroduced into the patient’s body.

Cancer Treatment – Adjunct Therapies

Recommended Therapy: Hasumi Vaccine

The Hasumi Vaccine, developed and clinically introduced by Dr. Renmi in 1948, includes both prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines. It encompasses a broad spectrum of cancer management stages from prevention, treatment, to relapse and metastasis prevention, enriching and completing the immunotherapy approach for cancer from prevention to cure. According to internal patient survival statistics, the use of the Renmi Vaccine has increased patient survival rates by 15%-25%.

Cancer Prevention – Immunocellular Therapy (Pre-HITV)

Dr. Hasumi’s Pre-HITV therapy, an advanced immunotherapy with over 90% effectiveness, prevents cancer recurrence and metastasis. Targeting stage I and II cancer patients post-surgery, who otherwise have no follow-up treatment beyond CT scans, this therapy reduces the high risk of cancer returning or spreading within five years. So far, no patients treated with Pre-HITV at the HASUMI Immune Clinic have seen their cancer recur or metastasize.

Pre-HITV Therapy (Prevention) disperses dendritic cells body-wide via intra-arterial medication delivery.
The process includes:

  • Intra-arterial Administration: ICVS Tokyo Clinic uses CT-guided injections for faster treatment, completing within a day instead of traditional arterial catheterization.
  • Introduction of Dendritic Cells and Adjuvants: Under CT guidance, these cells and adjuvants are administered into the artery to detect foreign agents.
  • Dendritic and Lymphocyte Reinfusion: 24 hours after the dendritic cell infusion, activated lymphocytes are reintroduced to improve cancer detection and enhance cell destruction.

The PreHITV therapy enhances the body‘s defense by leveraging cytotoxic T cells (CTLs), effectively rejuvenating the immune system. To rejuvenate their immune function also consider PreHITV therapy for preventive measures.

Chronic Pain Treatment

In China, over 300 million people suffer from chronic pain, including lower back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, elbow pain, and discomfort from chronic cystitis or prostatitis, leading to pain in the lower abdomen and genital area. This population is becoming younger, yet fewer than 300 top-tier hospitals have established pain management departments.

Current pain treatment methods include medication, physical therapy, psychological therapy, and surgery, often without achieving complete cure or improvement. This may be due to the treatments not effectively addressing the root cause of the pain.

Recommendation: Pain Treatment Specialist Hospital – Okuno Clinic

Dr. Yuji Okuno, a young genius, conducted research in intravascular treatments as a radiologist while studying at Keio University. During his involvement in treatments that involved locally injecting cancer drugs into patients via catheters (known as “intravascular treatment”), he discovered a long-overlooked phenomenon—that the cause of patient pain was not solely the organs themselves but the blood vessels surrounding them!

His groundbreaking work led to the publication of the world‘s first paper on pathological neovascularization, “Research Exploring the Principle of Smoke-Like Vascular Formation,” in 2012, https://okuno-y-clinic.com/academic/2285.

Followed by the first paper on its treatment method, “First Report of Musculoskeletal Catheter Treatment in the World,” in 2013, https://okuno-y-clinic.com/academic/2281.

About problem blood vessels

Problem blood vessels refer to abnormal neovascularization that occurs in parts of the body such as the knees, shoulders, back, elbows, hands, feet, and bone joints, generating pain-inducing new blood vessels.
As these vessels proliferate, nerve fibers also increase, leading to difficult-to-treat pain. If left untreated, like other chronic inflammations, these conditions can persist for years or even decades without healing. Over time, the area around the pain can develop structural changes, resulting in irreversible severe consequences.

These abnormal new vessels are particularly common after the age of 40 but can also occur in younger individuals in areas subject to repeated stress from physical activity and work.

Catheter Therapy

Treating proliferative problem blood vessels involves using a catheter to deliver medication directly to the affected area by entering through the artery and extending to the specific location of these vessels. This method clears the pathologically proliferated vessels and associated nerve endings, addressing the root cause of pain.
At Okuno Clinic., musculoskeletal catheter treatment is performed with the thinnest available catheters (0.6mm diameter), minimizing vascular damage and leaving only a small wound that can be covered with a bandage, allowing patients to return home the same day.
Treatments can be as quick as 20 minutes for short procedures, rarely exceeding an hour for a single area, though some individuals may undergo treatment for multiple areas.

Stellaria Corporation, the exclusive authorized partner of Okuno Clinic. for the Chinese market.

Procedures for Treatment of Diseases in Japan

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